Posted by Warrior cats- Broken Pines

The best snek (#274274)

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2024-01-28 14:13:42

Welcome to the Broken Pines! I was a little bored, so I whipped this up.

-No arguing or fighting, hate the character not the other person.
-If there is an actual problem, please contact me or the mods.
-Mates and stuff are allowed, but you need to work it out with me if you want to have kits. Also, fade to black for 18+ stuff, or just avoid it entirely.
-If you are a kit, you can't go out of camp on your own, or go hunt prey, or fight a badger, or any of that. You are a child.
- Please don't write names with an apostrophe in between the prefix and suffix (like this: Fire'star)
-You need to PM me your character sheet, plus a roleplay sample for ANY RANK.

Please Pm me if you have questions.






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[Please get your character sheet approved and posted before replying]

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 20:25:41 by The best snek (#274274)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 17:32:01

The she cat had been sitting quietly and noticed Rustbelly come out of the den. She watched her for a moment before averting her gaze elsewhere, she didn't want to stare after all. She sighed deeply debating on if she should go over to the she cat or if she should leave her be. She decided to go over to her." I...I wanted to thank you for helping us with the beaver." she stated a little nervous that Rustbelly might have acted irritated like Nettlesnap had done. She knew she had been upset when she had returned to camp but she couldn't quite figure out why. Her ears twitched a little as she awaited the she cats response. She sat down, out of the way of course so she could still see all the activity of camp from the spot she had chosen.

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Beautifulblo (#59951)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 17:48:14
Taking the last gulp of her meal is when Palewind arrived, she seemed nervous to the warrior. Rustbelly licked the leftover blood off her maw quickly before giving Palewind a tired smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Of course. I wouldn't just walk away when there's trouble". A silence passed afterwards. The she-cat debated speaking more, she wasn't close to Palewind but the heaviness she felt had nowhere to go. "I really, really wanted to win that competition", her tone wavered at the end of the sentence, emotion welling up inside her. "I had the perfect plan, there were enough able warriors...I thought we could do it. Or at least me..." Rustbelly hoped the other she-cat would understand, even if just a little.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 17:52:57

She nodded as she lied down next to the warrior." I think your plan could have worked. And I'll be honest Rustbelly I thought you or some of the other warriors would have won. Not me." She stated honestly as she looked at the she cat. She gave the she cat a rather sympathetic look, she felt bad." I....I mean I couldn't have really been able to win without your help or any of the others. I completely won on accident, just by trying to be helpful." she admitted as she sighed deeply. She had really thought that Rustbelly, Morningecho, or even Hemlockshade would have been one of the cats who won, it almost felt wrong for her to be the one that had one, especially when others had wanted it so badly like Nettlesnap and Rustbelly had.

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Beautifulblo (#59951)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 18:19:33
A mirthless laugh sounded out after Palewinds' comment. "Yeah, me and you both". It stung, her pride was wounded. It wasn't supposed to be like this, "Can I be honest...I thought you wouldn't win...". Rustbelly didn't mean to be rude but losing the game was painful as it was. Perhaps she passed judgment too quickly but Palewinds' win was unexpected. The black and brown busied herself by toying with fallen pine needles before speaking again. "I was supposed to win for my mate. She loved the thrill of a hunt". Just as she said it Rustbelly felt a resounding pang in her chest. She shifted, curling more onto herself.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 18:28:07

She offered a small laugh." Yeah you and me both." she stated at the comment she did like the honesty even if it did hurt a little. Did her clanmates really think she couldn't do it? She sighed softly and stared at the she cat. "I'm sure she's very proud of you for looking past the competition and helping clanmates who were getting their butts kicked." she stated. She did think that but she wanted her clan mate to feel better, and she did completely win on accident she had every doubt in her mind that she would be the one to win and at this moment she wasn't even sure if she HAD wanted to win. She looked away from her to hide her sympathy and a little bit of guilt for winning.

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Beautifulblo (#59951)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 19:46:19
Rustbelly felt wrapped in her own demise, even then she passively heard Palewind out. Nodding along until the cream cat words sunk in. She couldn't deny the small pit of jelousy at the other she-cat but still she felt touched, Palewind didn't need to offer any words of comfort. She didn't need to go out of her way to talk to her but yet here she was. And then Rustbelly just had to go and say something inconsiderate. Taking a peek at the cat sitting beside her, she saw Palewind looking away. That was never a good sign. Rustbelly flinched at the sight, "Hey", she murmured. Unrolling her body the rusty cat moved, sitting close enough for their fur to brush. "I'm sorry if I offended you...I didn't expect today to take such a toll on me", the words said low enough that only the two of them would hear. "You did look cool giving that finishing blow", finishing the sentence with a nudge to Palewinds' shoulder. Even if she badly wished it was her, the cream molly certainly made the moment count. "Next time give one of us a chance to win". It was said jokingly but a hardness in her voice could be detected.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 19:52:18

She looked at her and offered a small laugh." Thank you. I will most definitely give the next chance to win to you, I pass the winning stick onto you." She stated but it was true, if there were more things like this Palewind would definitely give Rustbelly the chance to win, she'd probably give the rest a chance to win too, even if it meant she couldn't participate in the next competition. She gently nudged the female." May I ask you something rather personal?" She asked knowing she was going to ask something about her mate. Palewind had never met this cat but she wanted to know about her, what made Rustbelly decide who her mate should be? How did she know she was the right one? Palewind had never experienced anything like love for another cat at least not yet. She didn't even know when or if she would feel all that warm cuddle stuff with another she cat or even a tom.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 21:03:45

He had almost started to doze off in the shade, awaking with a slight start as he suddenly returned to his senses. It would only be a little while more, and he would gather the clan once more, to give out the first prize. He stretched out into a long arc, gripping the pine needles beneath him as he uncurled, enjoying the warm rays of sun, as he returned to his former position, lounging on the soft piles of pine needles, looking over his clan.
Palewind and Rustbelly were talking, Morningecho and Nettlesnap were in the healer's den, and Hemlockshade was still grooming himself in the center of the clearing. Thrushtail was presumably off somewhere, and with Gentlebreeze tending to Morningecho, that was all of Pineclan accounted for. His tail moved in a slow, relaxed way, but his ears were pricked, ready to pick up the slightest pawstep. He breathed in the scents of the territory, wrinkling his nose a little at the scent of beaver, but mostly enjoying the almost rainy scent, so much cleaner than the stink of the thunderpath that had covered much of shadowclan territory.

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Edited on 31/01/24 @ 21:13:15 by The best snek (#274274)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 21:11:49


Lavender-hued eyes softened with a touch of regret as familiar grief entered the eyes of the Healer, a soft sigh escaping the she-cat's lips. The method of coping with everything that happened today, had struck a nerve that was raw for many cats of PineClan, as many had seen immeasurable loss that haunted every single one of them. Gently extending her closest paw, Morningecho touched the she-cat's shoulder with the pink of her pads, her eyes mirroring the feeling of the Healer. "I'm sorry, Gentlebreeze." Soft words, reserved for the she-cat, were murmured with sadness and aching pain. To take the thought seriously, that death could be whispering on the wind for Morningecho, it scared the she-cat deeply, threatening the memories that were painted across her fur to re-emerge and force her to relive each true brush with death. 

Dropping her paw, Morningecho twitched her ear at the words of the Healer, her gaze solemn as they stared out behind her into the den that was almost familiar and comforting as the scents of herbs steadied her heart, and calmed her. "Do you think, I will ever belong here?" Her words were softer, weaker as the exhaustion took the chance of her calmness to drag her from her consciousness, her eyes slowly blinking away the blur as her painfully tense muscles finally relaxed. "Though, I suppose right now this feels more like home." A coldness seeped into her murmured words, remembering the reality of her life. Some days, she spent more time in the medicine den the she did training, even if it was to hide from the yowls outside of fighting cats, another spit relighting the struggle for power. 

Other times, she was in a nest that wasn't too different from this one, innocent eyes full of teary mirth that threatened to spill down her cheeks, the young mind struggling to wrap around the harshness of this world. Sooner or later, that naivety was hardened by the reality, and it groomed a she-cat that felt safer amongst the chaos, than she did in the peace of the aftermath, no matter how much she desperately longed for this new life. The anxiety, the anger, and the unshakable suspicion of every cat that stepped too close to her. Trusting in half measures, nothing scared Morningecho more than taking the leap, and blindly having faith in any cat again. 

Nobody could hurt you again if you didn't give them the power to do so.

Words were stuck on Morningecho's lips as she gave pause, the tangy scent of Nettlesnap hardening her soft gaze as periwinkle eyes followed the tom as he stepped into the den, that coldness thawing into an inferno as she watched the cat settle into a nest, playing with a feather that lined the mosses. Those relaxed muscles once more rippled as they tensed, bunching together as the haze of her mind was washed away as if she was splashed with freezing water. Remaining obediently still, Morningecho fell silent as discomfort oozed through every pore on the she-cat, feeling vulnerable lying here with a cat that had earned a healthy dose of distrust from the molly. 

When Morningecho looked upon Nettlesnap, she didn't see a warrior to protect her flank as they fought side by side, instead she saw a rogue waiting to claw her in the back should she let down her guard. 

She saw the enemy.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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2024-02-01 05:45:22

He felt eyes on him. the fur on the back of his neck stood on end and he glared at Morningecho with slitted pupils, his tail flicking with unease. Nettlesnap dug his unsheathed claws into the mosses of the nest and didn't turn his head fully to look at the she. He could almost feel the clear distrust, his ears lowering. He couldn't expect these clan bloods to greet him with open paws, but it still hurt. The tom stifled an instinctive hiss and inched away, his muscles tensing as he tried his best not to take any notice of the much taller cat that could probably rip him to shreds if she wanted to. Nettlesnap forced his fur to flatten onto his thin frame, hearing his heart hammering in his chest in the presence of Morningecho. that cat could fight. And she definitely didn't like him that much. Not that any of the clan bloods here did; he was certain they all just saw him as a pathetic rogue. That was mainly why he wanted to win that competition. To show these cats he was part of this clan, not just a weakened outsider.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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2024-02-01 07:34:44

She continued applying pressure to the wound. The blood was now slowing. Her blue eyes were focused on the wound. Her once light orange paws were now a scarlet red. She was used to getting her paws dirty by now. Her gentle gaze flickered towards Morningecho as she placed a paw on her shoulder. She could see the clear regret in the she-cats eyes. A pang of guilt hit the medicine cat. "You're fine Morningecho." she gave her a reassuring smile. Once the blood began to slow, she removed the blood-soaked moss. She placed it by the entrance of her den, to bury it later. She padded over to her herb stores, deciding what herbs would work best. She grabbed horsetail and marigold. She grabbed a random leaf, with no use to apply the paste too. Her ears perked as her patient spoke. She turned to look at Morningecho. "Of course you belong here," she mewed, disbelief edging her voice. The flame pointed siamese padded over to the she-cat, herbs in her maw. She dropped them next to Morningecho, and prepared to chew the herbs up. "Well, in my opinion, we could do a lot less fighting." she smiled, trying to cheer up the she-cat. "Less fighting means less work for me." her tail swished across the ground.

Morningecho began chewing up the horsetail first, making it into a paste. Once it was perfect, she put it onto the leaf. "This will sting a bit." she murmured, applying the paste onto the angry red wound. The medicine cat applied the paste gently, carefully so as to not make the wound bleed again. Once she was done, she began working on the marigold. Chewing it up, and applying it to the wound.

Her gaze flickered up as she smelled Nettlesnap's familiar scent. She flashed a friendly smile to the tom, before finishing up the last of the paste. She could sense Morningecho's clear discomfort. Gentlebreeze's blue eyes became wary. If these two cats decided to instigate a fight in her den, it would be chaos.

The flame pointed siamese padded back to her stores, quickly grabbing cobwebs. She padded swiftly back to Morningecho. She carefully bandaged the wound, making sure to cover it all. "You might need to stay in here for a couple of days, I need to make sure no infection starts up." she mewed softly, before padding over to Nettlesnap

She didn't know him well, so she didn't immediately start examining his wounds. "So, what seems to be the problem?" she tilts her head. Gentlebreeze scoots over so Morningecho and Nettlesnap can't look at eachother. Her blue eyes stare expectantly at the tom.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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2024-02-01 07:43:00

The tom flinched at her voice, brushing it off and unsteadily sitting up. He hadn't been to the medicine den that much and wasn't too sure what to say. 'Just a bruise on my paw.' He murmured, ears lowering as he glanced at his aching injury. Nettlesnap lifts his head slightly and straightens his posture in the presence of the medicine cat, occasionally sparing a look of caution in Morningecho's direction as if he expected her to suddenly attack him or something. He bit his tongue to stop himself saying anything more. the temptation to comment on the larger feline's distrust was hard to resist, but even he knew that it wouldn't make anything better.

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Dragon404 (#461657)

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2024-02-01 10:52:11

Earlier, at the initial announcement, Hawktalon listened to Owlstar's announcement. Normally, she would have no problem leading things like these. But, this time, she had flicked her ear in disinterest. She figured it wouldn't be hard for her to slip away and avoid fighting a beaver, of all things. Though, she did understand her Leader's goal.

Throughout the entirety of their scrabble with the hideous creature, she stayed in camp, reinforcing dens and cleaning through moss to check for thorns, making herself useful in some way. 'Maybe if I stay hidden and busy' she thought, 'no one will notice I'm not participating.' She didn't pay much attention until everyone returned, they looked like they had a good pounding. She couldn't help that sometimes, she was just a little creep who went unnoticed in the shadows until she spoke. "That beaver really gave you guys the run around, hm?" She asked, her voice monotone yet somehow feigning playfulness. She picked the last thorn from the moss, sitting up and curling her rather large tail around her paws.

(Had to find some way to toss her in there lol)

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-01 18:41:11
//Owlstar is pretty much paused until ivy is able to respond, so I'm just chilling

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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2024-02-01 19:06:26
//same for me but with Beuatifulblo//

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